Brown Rice Greek Salad

Brown Rice Greek Salad | Project Yum

I have another weird vegetarian confession: I hate cucumber. It’s nothing personal… it’s just so watery and tasteless and… bleh.

Cucumber might be a weird thing to dislike, seeing as how it seems relatively inoffensive. But I distrust a vegetable without a flavour. It seems shady. You know how really watered-down Kool-Aid tastes? The vagueness of cucumber flavour reminds me of that. Yech.

But cucumber  is always showing up in otherwise delicious dishes, being all watery and pointless and taking up space. Take Greek salad, for instance. Feta? So salty and creamy. Tomatoes and olives? So flavourful and delicious. Raw onions? A little strong for my taste, but at least they serve a purpose. Cucumber? Why are you here, cucumber? Why?

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